Miraculous Medal Response and Prayer Intentions

Dear Friend in Christ,

I’m concerned that you may be missing out on the spiritual graces of Mary’s Miraculous Medal ...

... So I want to send a special medal for you in prayerful hope that it will deepen your devotion to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.

And I pray that you will join our spiritual family today at the Central Association of the Miraculous Medal.

For those of us who are devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Miraculous Medal is a great aid for our spiritual lives ...

... because Our Lady herself designed the Medal and manifested it to Saint Catherine Labouré.

Through devotion to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, we seek her intercession for ourselves and for others. For through Mary, we receive God’s graces and draw closer to Jesus.

In 1830, Catherine, a novice sister at the time with the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, received a vision of Mary in which Our Lady appeared inside an oval frame with the inscription: “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”

Catherine saw Our Lady standing on a globe, with dazzling rays of light streaming from her outstretched hands. Mary told Catherine that these rays “symbolize the graces I shed upon those who ask for them.”

The Blessed Mother said to Catherine, “Have a medal struck upon this model. Those who wear it will receive great graces, especially if they wear it around the neck.”

Yes, Father John, I am confirming that I received a Miraculous Medal. I would like to join you and other members of Mary’s Medal Family with my tax-deductible donation:

You will be redirected to our secure online donation processing page to complete your donation.

The vision then seemed to turn to show the reverse of the Medal: the letter M surmounted by a cross with a bar at its base; below this monogram appeared the Sacred Heart of Jesus crowned with thorns, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary pierced with a sword.

Our Blessed Mother herself designed this medal and promised “great graces” to those who wear it!

With approval from the Church, the first Medals of the Immaculate Conception were made in 1832 and were distributed in Paris.

Almost immediately, the blessings that Mary had promised began to shower down on those who wore her medal, and soon all of France was clamoring for what the people referred to as the “Miraculous Medal.” And use of the Medal spread from country to country, blanketing the world with miracles that continue to this day!

Wearing the Miraculous Medal is a wonderful way for you to show and spread devotion to Our Lady — a devotion that is desperately needed in our chaotic society.

So I’m asking you to do two things today:

1. Please fill out the form above and receive a free Medal — wear it to receive the spiritual graces promised by Our Lady and to spread devotion to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, and
2. After giving us your information please use the form to send your generous gift of at least $30 to become a member of Mary’s Miraculous Medal Family.

The Holy Father Pope Francis has said, “The Christian who does not feel that the Virgin Mary is his or her mother is an orphan.”

And without your Membership in Mary’s Miraculous Medal Family, you’re missing out on the blessings of being part of a spiritual family devoted to Mary and her Miraculous Medal: prayer, community, and outreach.

When you return your Membership gift of $30 or more, you will receive:

  •  The spiritual benefits of annual Masses and the Miraculous Medal Novena said for your intentions every Monday of the year;
  • The joy of knowing that you’re spiritually connected to millions of devoted men and women around the world through prayer and devotion;
  • Our Miraculous Medal Message magazine, plus our e-newsletters and reflections which include our Monday Sermons, prayers and messages of faith;
  • A 25% discount on religious merchandise purchased online, over the phone, or in our Shrine Gift Shop.

Please accept the blessed Miraculous Medal as my gift to you.

Place it around your neck, or keep it with you always, so you can receive the graces promised by Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in your life.

Then, kindly return your Membership gift of $30 or more, if you can manage it.

The minimum contribution for Mary’s Miraculous Medal Family Membership is $30.

And I hope that you have been so blessed that you can afford a gift of $50, $75, $100, $500 or more.

Your gift of any amount is very critical right now to support our holy mission.

The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal is dedicated to spreading devotion to Mary Immaculate and her Miraculous Medal and supporting the promotion of this devotion.

We operate the Miraculous Medal Shrine in Philadelphia — where thousands come to pray the weekly Monday Novena prayer asking the intercession of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal for all their needs, and where miracles abound. 

We also assist the formation and education of Catholic seminarians, provide care to the aged and infirm Saint Vincent de Paul priests and brothers of the Vincentian’s Eastern Province, and support programs that provide assistance to the poorest of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Please know that your gift will be immediately used to support this holy work, carried out with Christ’s love and in His name.

Above, you’ll find a Response and Prayer Intentions Form for you to use to submit your prayer intentions so our vast Prayer Family can pray for you and for your intentions. Our active prayer ministry lifts up all of our personal intentions and unites us under the care of Mary, Our Mother.

Since our founding in 1917, the Central Association of the Miraculous Medal has promoted devotion to Our Lady. We lead people to Mary, who leads them to her son, Jesus.

And as a Member of Mary’s Miraculous Medal Family, you will be helping to foster devotion to Mary every day of the year.

I look forward to welcoming you home to our spiritual family with Mary as Our Mother.

Gratefully Yours in Mary Immaculate,

Fr. John Kettelberger, CM
Spiritual Director,
Central Association of the Miraculous Medal
© The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal 2025