My Prayer Intentions for the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dear Friend in Christ,

There is so much division in our world—so much need and far too much grief. The heartbroken, the downtrodden, the persecuted, the sick, the lonely and the struggling are in dire need of your prayers and of Mary’s graces. So too, are the people of Ukraine who are being displaced, injured and killed in Russia’s brutal war.

There are no easy answers to the suffering and problems before us. But I do know the one thing we can and must do is PRAY!

That is why I recently mailed a special package to your home. Inside is a message about the upcoming Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

When we are in our greatest need, Our Blessed Mother calls us to prayer. She wants us to ask for her help. With Our Lady’s birthday on September 8th, I hope you honor the Feast of Mary’s Nativity by joining us in bringing your prayers and petitions to the Blessed Mother.

The package I mailed to you contains a special prayer intentions form for you to fill out and return to me. Or, you can send your prayer intentions on the form above.

When you respond with your prayer intentions, I pray you will also send an urgently-needed financial gift of $25, $40, $50, or more to support our holy work and to spread devotion to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.

My dear Friend in Christ, Mary calls us to prayer. And I hope you will answer her call by joining me in praying the Rosary to call down God’s graces on our families and troubled world. When Our Lady appeared to St Catherine Labouré and revealed her Miraculous Medal, she asked us to, “Come to the foot of the altar. There graces will be shed upon all who ask for them.”


YES, Father Lyons, I want to help you bring Mary’s Miraculous Medal “to the whole world and to every person” as Our Lady requested — and assist the Vincentians in their charitable works to aid the poor and downtrodden in our communities. Please accept my tax-deductible gift:

You will be redirected to our secure online donation processing page to complete your donation.

Mary’s Miraculous Medal Shrine needs your support. We were not spared from the economic struggles facing so many today. And we are still recovering from the COVID-19 shutdowns and restrictions that made us close our doors to Mary’s children—your brothers and sisters—who come to this holy place and peaceful sanctuary for help and renewal.

That is why, if you can, I pray that you will make a donation today to help us carry out the Blessed Virgin’s request to bring her Miraculous Medal “to the whole world and to every person.” Your generous gift today will also assist our Vincentian Family in their charitable works to aid the poorest of the poor and the most vulnerable members of our communities.

In these troubled times, our good works, the Miraculous Medal and the Rosary are desperately needed. So, too, are your prayers.

Through them, and with Mary’s powerful intercession, people are healed, families are
strengthened, those who grieve are comforted, and people are brought back to the Church and the Mass. The Miraculous Medal and the Rosary bring us together as one spiritual family—with Mary as our Mother.

So won’t you please join me in honoring Our Lady, Mary Immaculate, on her birthday by doing what she asks of us and come to her in prayer? Unite your Rosary to mine on this special day.

And please, send me your prayer intentions by September 8th so they may be placed at the foot of Mary's Altar at the Shrine.

Finally, when you return your prayer intentions, I pray you can send a generous gift of $25, $40, $50, or more to support our important work at Mary’s Shrine .

Be assured of my prayers and those of all the Vincentian Fathers and Brothers. May God
bless you always.

Gratefully Yours in Mary Immaculate,
Rev. Timothy V. Lyons, C.M.
Director, Miraculous Medal Shrine
Spiritual Director, Central Association of the Miraculous Medal
© The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal 2025