My Solemn Novena Prayer Intentions

O Mary, conceived without sin,

pray for us who have recourse to thee

Our Lady wants to intercede for us, answer our prayers, and lead us ever closer to her Son ... if only we would come to her! Use the form below to ask Our Blessed Mother for her intercession. Your prayer intentions will remain at Mary’s  Altar during all nine days of our Annual Solemn Novena and on the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous medal.

Mary, my mother, please pray for me:

Dear Friend in Christ,

I’m praying you will be able to take part in the most powerful period of prayer we hold all year long here at Mary’s Miraculous Medal Shrine: our Annual Solemn Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.

Starting on November 16th, our Miraculous Medal Family worldwide will join together in prayer — united by our devotion to Mary and our love for God.

With so many of our brothers and sisters still suffering from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, and with so much pain and anger gripping our communities, it’s more important than ever to pray for Our Blessed Mother’s intercession and profound graces, Christ’s mercy, and God’s blessings.

When our Miraculous Medal Family joins together in prayer, lives are changed! Time and again, those who come to the foot of Mary’s Altar seeking her intercession have seen the Blessed Mother’s profound graces bestowed.

YES, Father Carroll, I’m sending you my prayer intentions to be placed at Mary’s Altar in the Miraculous Medal Shrine. Please ask Mary to intercede for me during the Solemn Novena. And to support the holy work of the Central Association of the Miraculous Medal and help the Eastern Provence Vincentians serve the poorest of the poor, I’m sending my tax-deductible gift:

You will be redirected to our secure online donation processing page to complete your donation.

My friend, that’s why I’m asking you to please allow me to bring your prayer intentions, deepest concerns, and most fervent hopes to Mary’s Altar during our Solemn Novena. I want you to experience the spiritual benefits of Our Lady’s intercession in your life.

Please use the form on this page to send me your prayer intentions. I will place them at the altar of Our Blessed Mother — where they will remain for all nine days of the Solemn Novena and on the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.

Our Solemn Novena theme this year is Men on a Mission – Nine Young Vincentians Go to China, 1921. We will discuss the sacrifice, courage, and commitment of these young men who dedicated their missionary work to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. In doing so, we’ll explore what each of us can learn from these missionaries as we face our own challenges.

In difficult times like these, it’s easy to get distracted by the problems we see in the world around us. Our hearts can become filled with worrying and suffering. But no matter what troubles you might be going through right now, you can lay them at our Holy Mother’s feet.

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal came to remind us of God’s love, His mercy, and His grace. She came to offer her assistance and help us draw closer to her Son in holiness. Our Lady wants to intercede for us, especially in our times of greatest need, as so many Members of Mary’s Miraculous Medal Family have shared with us:


“Mary is putting my marriage back together. I implored her help, and the next morning my husband called me with the perfect Scripture to our situation. Now, we are reading and praying together each day. It is truly a miracle!”

“After I lost one of my twins in my first trimester of pregnancy, the doctor told me I would lose my other baby. I stayed in bed all weekend with my Rosary on my belly and prayed. I never lost my other baby, and she is 22 years old now. The doctor told me it was a miracle ... Thank you Blessed Mother for my daughter. Her middle name is Mary in honor of our beautiful lady.”


So please, send me your prayer intentions to be placed at Mary’s Altar and remembered during our Annual Solemn Novena and on her Feast Day.

You can watch the Novena at the Shrine live online at Of course, if you’re able to join us at the Shrine in Philadelphia, your presence would be a blessing!

Finally, if the Lord has blessed you with the ability to do so, when you send your personal prayer intentions, include a special gift of $35, $50, or even $100 or more.

Your generous donation will help us fulfill Mary’s request of bringing her Miraculous Medal to the world and drawing her children closer to Our Lord, Jesus. And your tax-deductible gift will continue to help the poorest of the poor who rely on the food, shelter, medical care, and other urgent assistance you provide through the Vincentians’ charitable programs.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your heartfelt prayers, your generous support, and your steadfast devotion to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Please be assured of my prayers and those of all the Vincentian Fathers and Brothers.

Gratefully Yours in Mary Immaculate,

Fr. Michael J. Carroll, CM
Director, Miraculous Medal Shrine
Spiritual Director, Central Association of the Miraculous Medal
© The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal 2025