Dear Friend in Christ,

As we prepare for the Lenten season of prayer, fasting, and supplication, you are invited to join the Miraculous Medal Family in the ancient act of repentance, symbolized by sackcloth.

The tradition of the faithful wearing coarse sackcloth as an act of penance and mortification of the flesh during the penitential season of Lent dates back to the earliest years of the Church.

I can’t think of a more perfect way to honor Mary and to stand with her at the foot of the Cross this Lent than by showing her how sorry we are for our sins, for which her Son paid the ultimate price.

That’s why I’m asking you to do these two things:

FIRST, please sign and return the enclosed Lenten Sackcloth by Ash Wednesday, March 2 as your “symbol of contrition.”

SECOND: On the back of your signed Sackcloth, please write your Lenten Prayer Intentions so that we can pray for you during Mass at Mary’s Shrine during the 40 days of Lent.

Your generous Lenten gift of $25, $50, $100, or more will be used at Mary’s Shrine to you will help us bring Mary’s love and intercession—the same love and intercession that you enjoy—to those who need Our Lady the most.

When you ask for Mary’s help by returning your Lenten Prayer Intentions, I will place them at Mary’s Altar in the Shrine.

But please make sure I have your intentions returned by March 2 so we can place them at Mary’s Altar on Ash Wednesday!

We are one spiritual family with Mary as our Mother. So, let us journey through Lent together, as the Miraculous Medal Family, focusing on Jesus and Mary and their sacrifice for us.

Gratefully yours in Mary Immaculate,

My Lenten Offering in Mary’s Name

YES, Father Lyons, I wish to make a special Lenten offering so that more people can come to know Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and practice devotion to Her. Please accept my tax-deductible gift:

You will be redirected to our secure online donation processing page to complete your donation.

Rev. Timothy V. Lyons, C.M.
Director, Miraculous Medal Shrine
Spiritual Director, CAMM

P.S. My dear Friend, please join me in an act of repentance for Lent by signing and returning your enclosed Lenten Sackcloth right away. I will put your Sackcloth, along with your Lenten Prayer Intentions, at Mary’s Altar to be remembered every day during Lent. And when you return your signed Sackcloth and Prayer Intentions, I pray you’ll include a generous Lenten offering in Mary’s name of $25, $50, $100, or more, as a humble expression of your love. May God bless you!

© The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal {{CurrentYear}}